If you have successfully completed a program to become a registered nurse, and have at least one year of experience in your specialty, there is a chance for you to jump on this unique opportunity. You can opt to put your training to work on short term assignments that take you across the U.S or even overseas. On top of being a challenging and rewarding position, the job frequently provides a great deal of flexibility, above-average pay, and extra bonuses and incentives.

What Is Travel Nursing?
Traveling nurses are a precious resource since they temporarily give medical help on short term assignments that last between 8 and 26 weeks, although most positions are for 13 weeks. Nurses have the chance to select where they want to be located and in what specialty they did like to work. To care for patients, there must be ample staff and resources. Not having sufficient bodies to handle the volume opens the door to potential harm. This’s where travel nurses come in to fill in the gaps, whether it be from prolonged unfilled full-time positions, leave of absence, maternity leave, etc. Travel nurses permit departments to function efficiently when core staff is short.
How to Become a Travel Nurse?
Travel nurses must be registered nurses (RNs). This can be done in 3 different ways:
- You can attend a nursing school that is in a hospital. This pathway takes up to 4 years to complete.
- An ADN, which takes around 2 years to complete. You can then study for a further 1 or 2 years to obtain a Bachelor’s degree.
- A BSN, which takes 4 years to complete.
As per the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, anybody who wants a career in nursing must have a Bachelor’s degree. To then become an RN, you must 1st pass the N CLEX exam. Once you’ve done that, you can start a specialization, selecting such areas as cardiac care or pediatrics. Once you will complete that stuff, you will get a Master’s Degree, that will make you an MSN nurse.
To be a travel nurse, you’ll be expected to be an RN at the very least. As such, although holding an MSN is beneficial, it’s not an absolute requirement. However, most employers will want to see that you’ve at least 1-year practical work experience after your degree before they will consider hiring you.
Cost for Becoming a Travel Nurse
The cost to become a travel nurse fluctuates relying on the education pathway. You can pay about $31,000 for your ADN degree. This’s the cheapest option, but it is not sufficient to become a travel nurse. You will need to take part in many other types of training, which will make the overall cost higher. This is why a lot of people select a number of bridging programs as well so that you can become an RN. Furthermore, studies are more than paying tuition fees. You’ll also have to pay for materials and your own costs of living.