Nursing: Is It The Career For You?
Nursing is a rewarding career that will fulfill an emotional need. Everyday you get to go to work to enrich someone else’s life by helping them, and that in itself is a wonderful thing. If that’s not convincing, keep reading to see reasons on why nursing may be for you.

You’ll Always Have a Job
Being the fastest-growing occupation in the U.S., nurses make up a huge portion of the healthcare industry. It is expected by the year 2018, 581,500 new jobs will be created, a 22% increase from 2008. This is due to a steadily aging population and a declining nursing work force.
You Can Work Anywhere You Want
There aren’t many professions that allow for various choices in: work location, what type of nursing you specialize in, and the various degrees other than nursing you can use that can still be used to become a nurse.
Nurses can work in the following areas:
- Hospitals (Surgical/General)
- Doctor’s Office
- Nursing/Outpatient Facilities
- Home Health Services
The Benefits Are Endless
Nurses can also work in some other surprising places, like:
- Camps
- Correctional Facilities
- Schools
- Places of Worship
- Airplanes/Helicopters
- Publication Companies
- Misisonary Clinics
- Courts
- War Zones/Military Bases
- Their Own Office!
Nursing students that graduate and immediately join the workforce enjoy the highest salaries among all others in every other industry.
Here are a few starting salaries for new nurses. These are the salaries of new nurses that work in hospitals, doctor’s offices, and outpatient facilities.
- Personal Care Services: $86,470
- Federal Executive Branch (OES Designation): $79,530
- Pharmacy/Medical Manufacturing: $74,940
- Universities, Colleges, Professional Schools: $74,930
- Medical Equipment/Supplies Manufacturing: $74,180
As you can see, a career in nursing provides many opportunities. It’s a rewarding career that’s emotionally fulfilling by allowing you to help someone.
You’ll always have a job, you can work anywhere you want, from hospitals, to nursing/outpatient facilities, down to military bases and schools. And the benefits are endless. Any students fresh out of nursing school will earn much more than their counterparts.
Do some research to see if a nursing career is for you. Continue reading up, and take care.